Short reviews of the six comics I bought this week, all semi-Batman related.
JLA: Cry for Justice. #1, #2
Rating: 7.5/10
It's always nice to see Hal Jordan and Green Arrow together. They're just funny. Supposedly Batwoman (yippee) is showing up later.
Gotham City Sirens #2
Rating: 8/10
Definitely not what I was expecting, but better. Selina's a good liar, and the Talia connection is interesting. I wish there was more in this issue, though. But Hush kidnapping Harley? Great.
Batgirl #1
Rating: 9.5/10
Yes! Stephanie Brown takes her rightful role as a member of the Batfamily. They packed a lot into this issue, and it totally works. The only thing I didn't like is that Barbra Gordon's thought boxes are green. I never thought of her having a defined color, but green?
Titans #16
Rating: 6.5/10
This is where the "Starfire kissing Batman" picture came from, but unfortunately it was a dream. I don't think Starfire will be around much longer.
Streets of Gotham #3
Rating: 8/10
Tommy Elliot is a good villain. I'll give him that. A very though-provoking issue. He's got Dick and Damian stuck. ("A nice middle finger at the Wayne legacy" great line) There's a cool shot of a bunch of heroes in the Elliot manor.
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