Several things have happened in the past month that impact the new things coming out of DC. One of these is a new divison called DC Entertainment, basically to make new DC products and promote the DCU. Also, DC has announced some upcoming projects, including a series of short animated films, a Nightwing project of some sort, and a Jonah Hex movie.
I am thrilled.
I think that DC is finally taking things other than comics seriously. Sure, they had the (fabulous) series of cartoon shows, but then there was "The Batman Strikes" which I think we all can agree was a disgrace. But there's been very little other things to draw in non-comic readers, whereas Marvel has always pumped out as much stuff as they can (sometimes at the expense of quality).
For Batman fans, I don't think these new projects mean much. Most of the point, I think, is to promote lesser known superheroes (I mean, come on. Jonah Hex?). But this will probably become, if succesful, a much larger enterprise. Personally, I am hoping for another Bruce Timm-ruin cartoon series (Batman: The Animated series part II, anyone?)
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