Sunday, February 21, 2010

In Which I Rethink My Opinion

The covers for the last two issues (or so I assume) of "The Return of Bruce Wayne" were just released. And the first thing I thought was "Wow. This is looks freakin' awesome." Seriously. There's Gotham in the both backgrounds, looking absolutely beautiful and scary. And there's Bruce, looking very awesome and very dark.

So, kudos to artist Andy Kubert for making me change my mind about this whole Return of Bruce Wayne thing.

Which brings me to my main point. This actually may be kinda good. Guaranteed, my opinion of Grant Morrison (this is the last time I mention it, I swear) went downhill after RIP and Final Crisis, but the new Batman and Robin series is good, and I know that I'm going to be buying Return even if it sucks (curse you, DC!). Actually, I already have it on my pull list. But seriously, these covers are awesome.

By the way DC, I want a poster of the last one (see bottom right). 

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How Did You Find This?

Just wondering, really. How'd you find this blog (notice the new poll at right).

If you check "other" comment and tell me how you found it (I'm guessing most are from fanfic? Yes? No?)

Monday, February 8, 2010

More Randomosity

Here's some fun batman-related stuff, since this seems to be a slow news period. So:

For anyone who likes fanfiction, fan art, fan-bat-stuff, here's a directory of Batman Fan Films.

The DC Source (DC's official blog) has just released two more covers for "The Return of Bruce Wanye". The pirate one doesn't really thrill me (beard=icky), but the cowboy one with Bruce bearing down on a stallion is awesome.

Also, some fanfiction. This is an actual ending to the Justice League Adventures episode "Twilight" written by the very cool KCS. Check out their other JLU fanfic as well. It's very good. I can't remeber if I posted this before or not, so my apologies if I did.

Finally, this is a humorous parody of "The Dark Knight" in all its awesomesauce-ity and plot holes. Its very funny. Just watch. You will be slightly offended, but you'll laugh.