Thursday, August 20, 2009

Boxes Vs. Bubbles

Maybe I'm the only one insane enough to notice this, but thought bubbles have died out, and have been replaced by boxes. I think it happened sometime early-80's, when the comics industry was trying to get away from the 60's silly-ness. Should they have?

Thought Bubbles
1. Adds immediacy
2. Easy to tell who's talking

1. can overload the panel
2. yeah, they are kinda silly looking
3. you don't always want to know every thought.
4. Sometimes what they say is obvious (The Joker!)

Thought Boxes
1. Doesn't overwhelm page
2. Cleaner looking
3. Easier to tell backstory
4.Multiple characters can be talking in the same panel if the colors are different.

1. You have to tell who's talking by the color of the box
2. sometimes you don't notice them
3. sometimes what they say is obvious (The Joker!)

Bubbles: 0
Boxes: 1

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